I THINK it is shameful that Herefordshire Council bosses are raking in these extortionate salaries while their community is suffering heavily under the burden of a continuing cost of living crisis (Pay packets of the council top owners, April 11).

Every day I read about vulnerable people unable to access services, whether it be banking, travel, care or post office access etc.


I regularly travel one of the major trunk roads through Herefordshire, the main A44, which is already listed in the UK as one of the most dangerous roads in Britain, and I am alarmed at the amount of deepening potholes I am having to try to avoid on my 22-mile journey in a car. How cyclists or motorcyclists cope is beyond me!

Where was Herefordshire Council’s sympathy or assistance in 2022 when I was almost killed by a tree while driving near Shobdon?

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

It was, dear readers, absolutely non-existent. It seems to me that they have no care for your or my welfare.

I’m quite sure they’ll soon be spending their gains on a hot sunny beach, while the rest of us will endure the flooding, drought and worsening conditions here!

